Alter Ego define

Transcrição do texto:

It can be nice to stand in front of one of these holes in your life. It sort of invites you to be someone else. And the camera is always inviting you to be someone else.

What does it mean to be an author if you didn’t make the thing that you’re showing? What does that mean about authority or what I should obey or look up to, or even how signing a piece of work creates a border around an identity? Somehow those borders start becoming soft, when you begin to admit someone else’s opinion or conversation, or someone else’s face, someone else’s pictures and sounds. I’ve thrown out many, many movies.

It can become a kind of burden. Why does there have to be so many? There are already too many things to see. We need to make space.

I used found footage in my filmwork, almost right from the beginning. There was this impurity or hybrid quality to the making.

Yes, fringe, I vote for fringe to be on the margins, not to be at the centre of power or money or attention.

I always felt that fringe media was a collective project, to create a digital file means adding something to a media comment, which we should all be able to access and remix.

What we need is a freedom of circulation – that means freedom to move not only our bodies, but also our pictures and sounds.

Título: AlterEgo (Mike Hoolboom), a film by Seren Husni and Mariam Zaidi

Direção: Seren Husni e Mariam Zaidi

Realização: Canada Council para Arts and the Independent Media Arts Alliance

Performance: Jessica Kahruanga

Direção e Edição: Serene Husni

Produção: Marian Zaidi

Direção de Fotografia: Chenxing Liu

Design de Título: Raoul Olou


1. Clouded Souls of Crowds, composição: Canooooopy
2. Am Trans, composição: Podington Bear


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